It’s holiday season. The time where we all frantically diet and exercise like our lives depend on it. But is all that panic really necessary? After almost 10 years working with clients, I see the same patterns year after year.
Bulking Or Just Getting Fat? Are you bulking, or just getting fat? So a couple of months ago I made a short post on my social media entitled: “Bulking Isn’t An Excuse To Be A Fat Shit” Of all the written posts I’ve ever made (meaning, it wasn’t […]
Setting Up A Fat Loss Diet Setting up a fat loss diet can be confusing, annoying and unproductive if you don’t put the time, thought and effort into setting it up properly. The set up of the fat loss diet is everything in terms of whether or not you […]
In the last article I put out we spoke about the top 3 things you can do with you training to help build muscle. Today we’re looking at the other side of the coin: nutrition. Nutrition is an area of huge debate and unnecessary anger when someone tries to […]
Welcome back to my blog series on the 3 phases to a better physique, all about bringing the package together and getting lean. This article is going to cover phase 3 – the phase I go through myself periodically to get in great shape. Now it’s important to note […]
Welcome back to my second piece on how to set yourself up for a better physique. If you missed my first article go back to the blog section of my website and have a read through it on there. Today I’m going to be talking about the next phase […]
If you’re new to weight training, it can be hard to visualise just how you’re supposed to go from where you are right now to where you want to be in terms of your physique. With that in mind, this 3-part article is going to take you through the […]