Meet Dan – or as he’s known to pretty much everyone bar his mother, Boghead (don’t ask why).


Aside from being a great friend of mine over the years, for the last 2 years Boghead has been a really hard working and massively impressive success story of mine.


Moving on from the more ‘aesthetic’ and Taekwondo specific related goals we worked towards in 2017, this year Dan’s goals have been much more strength orientated as he’s decided he wants to take the sport of Strongman much more seriously.


If you’ve followed my content for any length of time you’ll know this is a slight departure from the norm for me as my business has always been heavily focused on building muscle, losing fat and optimising the way you look, with strength and performance improving as a bi-product of this.


So Dan’s goals were a challenge, but we both tackled them head on and I’m really proud of what we’ve achieved together so far this year.


In March of this year I taught Dan how to properly deadlift for the first time, and we worked up to a top set of 80KG. Not exactly impressive for a guy of his size but it was a start.


Contrast this to August – just 6 months later, and the lad placed 6th out of 16 competitors in Doncaster’s Strongest Man, deadlifting 200kg for 6 reps in a minute.


The future can only get better for Dan and I’m super excited to see what the guy can achieve with his upcoming competitions, especially now we’re working really hard to tighten up his diet and really optimise everything in his life towards being the fittest, strongest and best performing man he can be.


For more information on how you can achieve your goals this year drop me a message on one of the following platforms:



Facebook: Andy Clements Fitness

Instagram: @andyclements01

YouTube: Andy Clements Fitness


And I look forward to helping you get after those goals!






PS – Don’t forget to check out the Blog Section for tons of free helpful content